>> I have been following the recent LibreSSL developments quite active and
>> would like to contribute.
>> I have some questions:
>> - The accelerated assembly code for the crypto, is that gonna stay?
>Of course.  Why do you think anyone would try to break code which works?

Because it is a huge amount of code. I am naieve about this subject and
*thought* that todays compilers do a lot better optimising than in the
past and that therefore the assembly code is a hurden instead of an asset.

>> - Why not use uint32_t and uint64_t all over (incl the APIs) instead of
>> custom XX_ULONG stuff?
> I believe Miod is working at improving this.  It situation is far more
> complex than you could believe.  My brain recoiled when I started to
> understand the classes of theoretical machines being supported.
>>   AFAIK uint32_t and uint64_t are guaranteed 4 and 8 bytes long.
> Sigh.  You don't see to understand the OpenSSL tree.  It contains support
> for machines that have already turned into gas at the bottom of garbage
> dumps.

I thought that the idea of LibreSSL was to get rid of all the obsolete
OpenSSL stuff. With (u)int*_t that could work. But I agree with the sigh.

>> - Can we eliminate "#ifdef OPENSSL_NO_AES" and that for all the crypto
>> des etc.)?
> What problem are you trying to solve?

Eliminating #ifdefs. That's all.

>> - The FULL_UNROLL macro in aes_locl.h is that gonna stay?
> Why not?  What is broken with it?  Is this on the critical path?  Do
> you think that introduces scary risk for people?

It is just a question. I looked at aes_locl.h and found that 4 #defines are
not used (MAXKC, MAXKB, MAXNR and u16) and it also #includes 3 header files
that aren't used in this header file. So I thought that maybe this macros is
something of the past and could be eliminated also. With it is a lot of
That's why I asked.

> Please read the current commit logs to understand the focus of the task.


@Miod Vallat, thanks for the info.

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