The process which came to the conclusion below took about 15-20 hours
of accumulated developer time over the weekend.  I'm almost running
out of fingers counting developers.

I wish we had the resources so that we could dedicate people to this
in a more serious way.  At least if we could dedicate them for a
while, until this codebase has become wittled down.  But we don't.

Yes, that is a hint.  It could be like the KMS effort over the last
two years.  Lacking that, this situation below is going to repeat
itself again.

Actually, it will repeat itself tomorrow....

> A little background. Before we issue errata, we have to decide whether
> we should. That's usually pretty simple, but sometimes a bug looks
> exploitable when it isn't, or is exploitable when it looks benign.
> Clearly issuing zero errata isn't a workable solution, so we could issue
> errata for everything, but that leads to "patch fatigue". Instead, we
> pick and choose as best we are able. Sometimes that's hard.
> Our primary focus is not on developing exploits. We have limited
> time and many other things to work on, and there is no reward for us to
> continue investigating exploit potential beyond a certain point.
> Referring now to a specific commit by jsing, see the commit for
> details. The bug's existence was publicly disclosed 3 years ago; I'm not
> about to reveal anything particularly secret.
> The first issue is being able to trigger a memcpy with a small
> negative (huge unsigned) length. In general, any memory corruption can
> lead to code execution, but the specifics are application dependent.
> It's only a problem if there's privilege escalation involved. PEM
> encoded certs aren't used in the TLS wire protocol, for example, so
> network services are not affected.
> The second issue is that the incorrect handling of base64 padding will
> also decode to different bytes than a correct implementation. In
> general, any time two parsers process the same input and generate two
> different outputs that can lead to a security bypass, but again, the
> specifics are app dependent.
> We looked at these issues for a while and couldn't see a means to
> exploit them that would justify issuing a patch, but we can't rule out
> that possibility either. We neither want to cry wolf nor hide the truth.
> Lacking a clear consensus that we should patch or not patch, what
> you're getting instead is this email. (I initially proposed a patch
> and an email saying the patch was unnecessary, but it seems less
> confusing to simply send the email.)
> This email doesn't offer a lot of guidance about what to do, for which
> I apologize. At least now you know what we know.

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