On 25 November 2014 at 13:11, Vincent Gross <dermi...@kilob.yt> wrote:
> Hi tech@,
> I've been using iked for some weeks to tunnel my laptop to home over 3G.
> Sunday I upgraded my laptop to the latest snapshot; previous upgrade was
> about 2 or 3 weeks ago. When I started iked, it crashed randomly, as in
> one time it runs just fine and completes the handshake, the other it
> crashes before even sending the first packet.
> I ran "ktrace -di /sbin/iked" and kdump'd the resulting file. Of the 5
> processes, 4 finished by calling exit(0), one was terminated on a
> SIGSEGV. As it is also the only one that do stuff on /var/run/iked.sock,
> it is the control process. I repeated the above ktrace 4 times and got
> consistent results: SIGSEGV'd control process.
> I'll keep the hunt going, but I am not sure how long this will take nor
> how much time I'll have to spare, so here is the control process kdump.
> Cheers,
> --
> Vincent

can you please provide iked -dvv output when it crashes and a trace
from the core file.  to generate a core file compile iked like so:

  # cd /usr/src/sbin/iked
  # make clean
  # make obj
  # make DEBUG=-g

setup core file generation:

  # mkdir /var/crash/iked
  # chmod 700 /var/crash/iked
  # sysctl kern.nosuidcoredump=3

run /usr/src/sbin/iked/obj/iked -dvv and once it crashes retrieve
the full backtrace from the core file:

  # cd /usr/src/sbin/iked
  # gdb -c /var/crash/iked/4970.core ./obj/iked
  (gdb) bt full

and send this along with the iked output.  please make sure that
you pick the correct core file so that it corresponds to the debug

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