On Wed, 07 Jan 2015 12:11:40 +0100, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:

> I seem to recall that OpenBSD dropped -f in December (i don't know
> why), but clashing a POSIX argument doesn't seem to be a good
> idea.  Heirloom mailx and S-nail use the -r option for the purpose
> in question, and i think it would be nice if the BSD Mails would
> agree in this respect.

Mail still supports -f mboxname.  The support for passing arbitrary
sendmail options at the end was dropped for security reasons.  My
plan all along has been to use -r like nail when I get a chance.

At this point I'm leaning towards using "sendmail -t -oi" and just
putting the From: line in directly instead of relying on sendmail/smtpctl
to add it for us.

 - todd

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