Mike Larkin has been slow at informing the world, despite my prodding.
Probably started working on something else cool...

So.. I am going to take it upon myself to sing praise to him, and
hopefully he'll let me off lightly!

Over the last two months Mike modified the amd64 kernel to follow the
W^X principles.  It started as a humble exercise to fix the .rodata
segment, and kind of went crazy.  As a result, no part of the kernel
address space is writeable and executable simultaneously.  At least
that is the idea, modulo mistakes.  Final attention to detail (which
some of you experienced in buggy drafts in snapshots) was to make the
MP and ACPI trampolines follow W^X, furthermore they are unmapped when
not required.

Some further amd64-specific page attribute improvements snuck in.  Too
complicated to describe simply.

I followed along for the ride and improved the situation on other
architectures, mostly MI improvements so the right requests would be
made to the MD layers.  Final picture is many architectures were
improved, but amd64 and sparc64 look the best due to MMU features
available to service the W^X model.  The entire safety model is also
improved by a limited form of kernel ASLR (the code segment does not
move around yet, but data and page table ASLR is fairly good.  There
are some known pages, but hopefully fewer in the future).

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