On 2015-02-17 08:06 PM, John Merriam wrote:
I definitely agree that the silliness of checking a version string to possibly use some exotic or non-standard feature of a particular flavor of a particular family of shells is not a good idea when writing a shell script. If you can't do what you want without relying on that particular feature then maybe what you're writing shouldn't be a shell script. If it's a bug in a particular flavor of a shell, then instead of checking for and working around it, report the bug to the author/maintainer.

Jumping in late in the conversation...

This is not an academic point; as an ISV, I've had to do this sort of thing in the past, and will have to do so again in the future.

There is no "standard" or universal way to detect what version of what shell happened to get invoked on what operating system, so an ISV must rely on tricks and silliness like checking the version string to make what amounts to an educated guess. For example, I have a customer that must run a specific (non-current) version of HP-UX due to hard dependencies in a mission-critical line-of-business app. Yes, that means there's a foundational problem, but it would cost ~$100M to fix now. Not going to happen. "Report the bug to the author/maintainer" is all very well, but HP isn't going to issue a patch for an old version of HP-UX just because one customer complains about /bin/ksh behaving badly. (Actually, they very well might, given sufficient financial incentive, but that's another story altogether...)

Meanwhile, portable shell scripts must continue to run - portably - across multiple OSes.

Array handling is the big bugbear I run into; if I can handle arrays inside the shell, I don't have to resort to using tmpfiles and fork/exec'ing multiple external utilities to simulate the functionality. Which means, firstly, determining if I'm inside something ksh-like or bash-like, or if I'm running in a simple POSIX shell. There are virtually no safe assumptions that can be made in portable shell scripting - how was the script invoked? Sourced? Hash-bang? Explicit "/bin/sh script" invocation?

It's a mess, despite POSIX' attempt to unify things; the choice is to either code for lowest-common-denominator, which typically results in payloads up to 10x larger and that run up to 10x slower, or to probe for advanced features and exit cleanly and safely if they're absent.

-Adam Thompson
 +1 (204) 291-7950 - cell
 +1 (204) 489-6515 - fax

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