On 02/26/15 05:44, Rolf Sommerhalder wrote:
> Hi,
> While salvaging a CompactFlash with a corrupt partition table, I
> noticed that the example in
>  http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq14.html#InstBoot
> appears to be outdated:
>  # cd /usr/mdec; ./installboot /boot biosboot sd0
> According to installboot(8), the syntax is:
>  installboot [-nv] [-r root] disk [stage1 [stage2]]
> e.g. the example should read:
>  # cd /usr/mdec; ./installboot sd0 biosboot /boot
> or:
>  installboot -v sd0 /usr/mdec/biosboot /boot
> or finally, if sd0a is mounted on /mnt:
>   installboot -v -r /mnt/ sd0 /usr/mdec/biosboot /mnt/boot
> Thanks,
> Rolf

yes, that section is wrong, but your correction is wrong and incomplete.
The whole point of the rework of installboot was to de-platform-specific
it, and to have sane defaults, thus the "new" syntax will be just
"installboot sd0", and (current) installboot is not in /usr/mdec anymore.

I got to think about this...I'm not sure there's even any merit to this
section anymore.  Proper answer might be "delete it".


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