>From what I've been able to gather, there is no 802.11n support in
OpenBSD because more work is needed in ieee80211(9). I would greatly
appreciate it if someone could answer a few questions for me:

* Is anyone working on this?
  * If so, is there any way that I could help?
  * If not, who would be the best to ask about where to get started?
* How much work is required? Is the work required in the order of days,
  weeks, months?
* Would parts of FreeBSD's implementation be useful, or are the two
  network stacks different enough that a new implementation is

I'm a relatively competent C programmer, but I have very little
experience with kernel code, much less network protocols. I would
like to use OpenBSD as an access point, but I need wireless-n @ 5GHz in
order to do so, so I'm motivated enough to allocate some time for
testing and even writing code. I could probably also supply some basic
hardware if that would help, though I don't have a big budget.

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