Our autolabel sizes seem mostly based around desktop-type machines (though
/usr/local is a bit too small these days, /usr/X11R6 acceptable but seems
stingy, and there are probably equal numbers of those who would quite
like to have /usr/ports and those who really wouldn't want to waste the

And I think that is who we optimised for. People who don't know what they
want can hit enter, people who do go through disklabel(8). That doesn't
carry across to "everyone hits enter" for autoinstall.

For many of the sorts of machine where autoinstall would be useful, the
current /usr/local size is reasonable, /home is way too big, and 4GB max
in alloc_big[] for /var on a "server" just seems dangerous.

So what else could we do? Separate "server"/"client" tables? Even just
swapping the standard sizes of /home and /var for an autoinstall would make
it a lot more useful.

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