On 8 May 2015 at 12:37, Martin Pieuchot <m...@openbsd.org> wrote:
> On 07/05/15(Thu) 20:58, Mike Belopuhov wrote:
>> As I've pointed out before, on panic we can be running on any
>> CPU and our disk controller's interrupts can interrupt on the
>> other one.  Since we'll most likely be holding a kernel lock,
>> dealing with unlocking it might get hairy very fast.  Instead
>> what we could do to improve the chances of a clean shutdown on
>> panic is to instruct our disk subsystem to do polled I/O that
>> will be run on the same CPU with the panic.
> Did you consider executing ddb's boot commands on cpu0?  I mean doing
> an implicit "machine ddbcpu 0" before executing any "boot" command?

But panic can't do it really.

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