
> On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 14:07 +0200, Alexandr Nedvedicky wrote:
> > Hello Mike,
> > 
> > I've reworked patch from yesterday. I've done some quick testing
> > to see if it fixes problem. It looks like it works. I have not
> > tested NAT-64 yet. Also I'd like to come up with test case, which
> > will show the state check is still able to block invalid ICMP packet
> > (invalid with respect to state).
> > 
> > The idea of fix is to keep icmp_dir in state as well. The icmp_dir
> > indicates whether state got created by ICMP request or response.
> > This is useful later in pf_icmp_state_lookup() to check whether
> > ICMP request/response matches state direction.
> > 
> This feels slightly convoluted... check my diff out! (:

nice, I like your "XOR Magic!" comment. Looks like I was trying to
fix the other end... your patch is minimalistic and correct as far
as I can tell.

> > P.S. I took discussion off-line not to create extra noise on 
> > tech@openbsd.org
> > feel free go get the alias back to loop.
> Nah, that's what tech@ is for!
O.K. I won't do it again...


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