On 5/24/15, Theo Buehler <t...@math.ethz.ch> wrote:
> On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 09:10:08PM +0200, Martin Natano wrote:
>> I highly doubt any part of those three diffs is authored by yourself.
>> (Merely renaming functions doesn't count as original work.) As pointed
>> out before, the efficient overflow checking code is copied from Otto's
>> code and the rest has been written by me. In case you don't remember the
>> location where you found those diffs, here it is:
>> https://github.com/bitrig/bitrig/commit/6b917fe675fc8a81d35ae383675da0ec0161965c
>> https://github.com/bitrig/bitrig/commit/a355e613ee35a4c678f2a059781682d6998d9a01
>> The BSD/ISC style licenses actively encourage code reuse, but still the
>> original authors have to be given credit. I'm startled that has to be
>> explained!

So, wait, any if() statement matching the pattern:

        if (a > 0 && c / a < b) { ... }

should cite above work?
or is the really clever bit begging citation, the part where that
check is wrapped in a function?

Otto's sqrt() optimization added to the if() statement is
something (i think) original and clever, and should be cited.
but the simple if pattern above ... that's really reaching.


>> natano
> Dear Martin
> I believe you are exaggerating.  Yes, there is quite a bit of overlap
> between the patches you linked to and the ones I sent, but I honestly
> only saw your work after checking your links.
> I immediately acknowledged that the overflow checking was based on
> Otto's code (but it wasn't copied).  But you are going a step further
> and you are accusing me of plagiarism, which I am not ready to admit,
> because I didn't do it.
> The first of your links has nothing to do with what I mailed besides
> being a related change to the same file and the second is mostly a more
> or less mechanical expansion (and you removed a number of casts, which I
> didn't do).
> I am sorry to have offended you, and I merely tried to help improve the
> code base, that's all.  I never intended to sell any work of others as
> my own.
> Cheers,
> Theo

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