On Tue, 7 Jul 2015, li...@wrant.com wrote:

> > One solution is for pkg_add(1) to silently omit the attempt to copy 
> > the package to an unwritable $PKG_CACHE.
> The end result with the change proposed would be to hide the problem you
> have with permissions for $PKG_CACHE. In the end you will not be
> caching anything.

You will cache every package you install.  You need to be root to install 
a package, and in my test root has write permission even when the write 
bit isn't set.  I confirmed also that Perl's '-w' returns true on a 
directory even when write permission is completely removed from that 

> Why would your proposed change be the best solution then, when it hides
> the problem, instead of fixing it completely?

It isn't hidden: in my diff, the man page indicates that, for the -n 
option, caching is conditional on the directory being writable by the 

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