Renaud Allard wrote:
> On 27/08/15 18:32, Ted Unangst wrote:
> >
> > Sorry, I think adding an option is too much. I just committed halex's 
> > original
> > diff to only change the type. I thought he was going to do that by now.
> >
> Hi Ted,
> The thing is, my patch doesn't do the same thing at all as the one which 
> adds auth-doas. My patch lets the user choose which authentication he 
> wants, while the other patch lets the admin restrict which auth is used. 

I understand the difference, but we are opposed to adding new options unless a
majority of users are expected to use them.

> - My patch with the option lets the user choose. The example would be a 
> server with an encrypted home directory. When everything is working 
> correctly, the user can login with, for example, a ssh key and then use 
> doas with a (non yubi) password. But if the server has crashed for 
> whatever reason and /home is not mounted, the only way to login would be 
> with the yubikey because the ssh key is not available and remote login 
> with normal passwords is disabled. The option replicates how sudo was 
> working.

Something about this doesn't make sense. If you can't login because your ssh
key is gone, there's nothing doas will help you with.

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