On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 12:58:52AM +0200, Alexander Hall wrote:
> I'm going wide with this diff I've been pushing for quite some time now.
> Is *anyone* but me using rdump(8) + rmt(8)?

I use dump(8) for doing remote backup, but I don't use rmt(8), due to
plaintext storage on remote side.

> *If you are currently using rdump/rrestore + rmt, I urge you to test
> this diff to make sure it causes no regression. It shouldn't, but
> you've been warned.
> So, anyway, this diff allows running a restricted rmt(8), in my case
> for remote dumps over ssh, a.k.a rdump(8).
> For restricting rmt(8) when dumping/restoring to/from a remote machine:
>   -d <directory>   confines rmt to operate within a single directory.
>   -r               enforces read-only mode.
>   -w               enforces write-only mode.
> With this, rmt could be used with the following (simplified)
> .ssh/authorized_keys entries
>   command="/etc/rmt -wd /dumps/host/foo" ssh-ed25519 ...dumpkey...
>   command="/etc/rmt -rd /dumps/host/foo" ssh-ed25519 ...restorekey...
> This has the major advantage that a remote user cannot ever destroy or
> manipulate former backups. A bit more detail is in the man page.
> OK?

I will try to get time soon to review it a bit.
Sebastien Marie

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