I am trying to add pledge(2) to audioctl(1),
but it gets SIGABRT'ed under any pledge promises.
(Indeed, I have pledged everything in a desperate attempt.)

Looking at gdb and a ktrace, /dev/audioctl gets opened fine,
but then it fails on an ioctl in getinfo()

 23472 audioctl CALL  ioctl(3,AUDIO_GETDEV,0x10d3bed03a20)
 23472 audioctl PLDG  ioctl, "ioctl", errno 1 Operation not permitted
 23472 audioctl PSIG  SIGABRT SIG_DFL code <1054761850>
 23472 audioctl NAMI  "audioctl.core"

Obviously, "ioctl" is in the pledge call.
Is it simply that AUDIO_GETDEV is not included in the ioctl pledge?
Is there a way to pledge audio stuff like this with current pledge?


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