On Sat, Nov 21, 2015 at 8:28 PM, Michael McConville <mm...@mykolab.com> wrote:
> I agree that this is very cool. It's probably also worth mentioning that
> there's a long discussion on NetBSD's tech-kernel@ right now about a
> WABPL-related panic. Not sure whether that's relevant to this diff.

If I've found the same discussion then this looks like an overflow of
journal file. One recommended way to duplicate this issue is removing
"a tree". My test currently rsync /usr/src in 7 parallel processes
into /raid/1../raid/7 dirs, calculates sha1, unmount, mount, check
sha1 and finally rm whole /raid -- which honestly can be considered as
"remove the tree" operation I guess. Let's see if the thing panics for

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