Quoth Артур Истомин on Tue, Nov 24, 2015:
> Yes, exactly. Example: https://imgur.com/rUPxpTF There is mplayer behind
> firefox. In the beginning everything is working properly. Alt+Tab work for
> all three windows. Some time later mplayer does not appear anymore through
> Alt+Tab and i need to press Alt+Down, Alt+Down.

Does it only happen to windows that are fully obscured?  Do you
have to get the mouse pointer into the window before you can
cycle to it again?

If you're willing, we can do the following: you update to current
plus my patches (I won't roll back), I prepare a patch with debug
prints, you run it until you encounter the bug and send me the
output, and we try to understand what's going on.  Interested?


What sane person could live in this world and not be crazy?
                -- Ursula K. LeGuin

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