On 2 December 2015 at 23:36, Christian Weisgerber <na...@mips.inka.de> wrote:
> Quoth ipsec.conf(5):
>     Use of DES as an encryption algorithm is considered to be insecure since
>     brute force attacks are practical due its short key length.
> The attached patch removes support for DES-CBC encryption in ESP
> and in IKE main and quick mode from the kernel, iked(8), ipsecctl(8),
> and isakmpd(8).
> Note this is plain DES, *not* 3DES.
> RFC2409 (November 1998) says that DES support is a "MUST" for IKEv1,
> but I think we _must_ ignore this.
> Next I intend to remove DES from the kernel crypto framework.


I thought I've OK'ed this diff, but looks like I didn't.  OK mikeb

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