On 15 December 2015 at 15:36, Alexandr Nedvedicky
<alexandr.nedvedi...@oracle.com> wrote:
> Hello,
>> >
>> >    Another possibility would be to require 'once' rules to be 'quick'.
>> >    This closes the candidacy window and makes its serialisation, to
>> >    preclude multiple matches, more feasible.
>> >
>> >    Yet another possibility is to drop 'once' rules as too complex to
>> >    implement for multiprocessor but I have no idea if this is viable.
>> >
>> It is.  And I have said that before with an authority of the implementor
>> of "once" rules: since we don't have any userland applications that
>> would use this yet, we can ditch them for now and possibly devise a
>> better approach later.
>> Don't make your lives harder than they have to be!
> I'm just trying out patch improved by Richard. I like his idea to put anchor
> rule to garbage collector list. I'd like to give it a try on Solaris. There
> might be small changes in details.
> IMO once rules are fine, and offloading hard task to service/garbage collector
> thread works just fine.
> regards
> sasha

It just occurred to me that another possibility would be a match-only
rule that matches one but doesn't involve any purging machinery.  Right
now we install ftp-proxy rules as having maximum number of states equal
to 1, however there's a time window between the moment the state is no
longer there, but anchor is not gone yet and it can potentially create
more states which is not a problem for an eavesdropper who can sniff
the plaintext protocol.

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