On Tue, Feb 09, 2016 at 09:23:17AM -0500, Peter Bisroev wrote:
> Hi Gilles


> <snip>
> > We have faced a similar issue with filters and my thoughts are that we need 
> > a
> > listen on socket of some kind, similar to your listen on local.
> >
> > This has several benefits over "listen on local", both in ambiguity and it
> > new ways the ruleset can match sessions.
> >
> > If you're interested to work on it, I'd be happy to discuss this with you
> > so you can come up with a diff :-)
> I would definitely be interested. Could you elaborate a bit on "listen
> on socket" method?

Well your idea for a "listen on local" is very valid and the way to go
in my opinion, however the keyword "local" is inappropriate here as we
have a very different meaning for it: a message coming from an address
that is also the address of a listener.

A network connection from or is local on my box,
even though it's not coming from the socket.

If we introduced a "listen on socket" of some sort, then we could have
params applied to the socket + possibly add support for multiple ones,
we could also differentiate between local sessions initiated on the
machine and local sessions initiated on the network to apply a finer
ruleset matching.

This would also solve a problem we have with filters where they are
applied to network listeners but not to the local socket which requires
a specific keyword (ok for now since they are experimental).

> Thank you!
> --peter

Gilles Chehade

https://www.poolp.org                                          @poolpOrg

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