Oops, I did not check the return value of fstat. Good catch.

But when I tested my change without yours, disklabel did not abort. Why then does opendev need to occur before the pledge? Is there another usage of disklabel that causes a different failure pattern?

On 05/28/2016 11:31 AM, Theo de Raadt wrote:
If you try to run disklabel(8) on a file that is not a device, it aborts
aborts for want of pledge("ioctl"). This diff prints an error message
and exits cleanly. I return exit code 1 but note that sometimes
disklabel returns 4; the man page doesn't explain the distinction

   $ disklabel /
   Abort trap (core dumped)
   $ obj/disklabel /
   disklabel: / is not a device

Indeed your diff is also needed on top of mine.  Let's try this.

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