On Fri, Jun 03, 2016 at 11:24:15PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2016/06/01 11:22, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> > On 2016/06/01 09:09, Landry Breuil wrote:
> > > And most importantly, 47 (released next week) requires 3.11.
> > > /usr/obj/ports/firefox-47.0beta9/firefox-47.0b9/old-configure:SQLITE_VERSION=3.11.0
> > 
> > Ok, I'll update the diff this evening.
> So this was a bit optimistic... 3.11 and 3.13 start making more
> changes to the Tcl scripts that replaced the awk scripts and it's
> beyond my awk to replicate them. (Also I'm not too sure about the
> XXX in Makefile about lempar.c which has changed upstream since
> the version where we added it).
> As I see it there are two options to get us out of the hole.
> - Pregenerate the files with Tcl and commit them, adapting the
> Makefile to use them. This is looking possible for 3.11 though
> still a bit of a pain to handle the build system hacks that
> will be needed. From a quick look at 3.13 there are more build
> system changes and further changes to the Tcl. I for one am
> not going to be able to maintain a forked build system with
> this many moving pieces.
> - Switch to the "amalgamation" (4 source files: 3 for the lib,
> one for the shell), which is what upstream push people towards
> using (and what everybody else that I've seen including
> sqlite source uses).
> With this the main file is unfortunately huge but would be easier
> by far to update later. Note that we only have a small change to
> the actual source code (replacing the RNG code) which is easy enough
> to carry across. Most of our changes are to the build infrastructure.
> As far as Firefox goes, I think sqlite 3.11 should do us until
> release, but might be problematic if we want to update in -stable
> ports.
> From what I can tell sqlite upstream *are* careful about ABI.
> But it would seem quite a stretch to expect things to work
> safely/reliably with two different versions brought into
> one address space.

So when I talked with Ingo about removing SQLite from base we talked
about imported the "amalgamation" into mandoc for local use only and
then removing lib/libsqlite3 and usr.bin/sqlite3.

We would then need to updated sqlite3 in ports and update ports to use
this instead.

I personally think this is the way to go. Sadly I don't have the time to
do this right now (We just welcomed our second child recently).

James Turner

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