On Thu, Sep 08, 2016 at 10:08:23AM -0400, Anthony Coulter wrote:


> We can fix either the manual or ksh itself; this diff takes the latter
> approach. It is tempting to do this with "typeset -ir PPID" but that
> actually doesn't work:
>       $ FOO=123
>       $ typeset -ir FOO
>       ksh: FOO: is read only
        $ echo $FOO


This looks like a bug to me. Note that

        $ typeset -ir BAR=123

does the expected thing:

        $ BAR=1
        ksh: BAR: is read only
        $ echo $BAR

So, while I agree that PPID should be read-only and your patch appears
to accomplish the desired effect, I think we should try to fix the
underlying problem, not work around it.

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