On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 4:29 AM, Ted Unangst <t...@tedunangst.com> wrote:
> Something feels a little weird about this. Usually you want to keep the rwlock
> while sleeping.

Yes, that's usually the point of the lock, but when you need a
condition-variable for changes in the state protected by an rwlock,
you need rwsleep().

> Instead we use mutex for passing control over sleep.
> I don't know how this would make the code look, but something like
>         rw_enter();
>         /* do a bunch of stuff */
>         mtx_enter();
>         rw_exit();
>         msleep();

So what's protecting the state that you're waiting for the change to
occur in?  If it's the mutex, then why are you accessing it with only
the rwlock early on?  If it's the rwlock then how to prevent a
lost-wakeup by a thread on another CPU getting in between the
rw_exit() and msleep() and calling wakeup() in that window?  That code
would only work reliably if you held *both* the mutex and the rwlock
when making changes to the state, or both the mutex and the big-lock.
Either way, what's the point of the rwlock there?

Philip Guenther

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