On 21/09/16(Wed) 16:29, David Gwynne wrote:
> [...] 
> the point i was trying to make was that the existing stuff (tasks, timeouts) 
> can be used together to get the effect we want. my point was very poorly made 
> though.
> i think your point is that you can make a clever change to timeouts and not 
> have to do a ton of flow on code changes to take advantage of it.

I'm trying to fix one problem at a time.

> [...]
> if timeouts are the way to schedule stuff to run in the future, then we're 
> going to get head-of-line blocking problems. pending timeouts will end up 
> stuck behind work that is waiting on an arbitrary lock, because there's an 
> implicit single thread that will run them all. right now that is mitigated by 
> timeouts being an interrupt context, we just dont put a lot of work like that 
> in there right now. 

Really?  Is it worth than it is now with the KERNEL_LOCK()?

> the benefit of taskqs is that you explicitly steer work to threads that can 
> sleep independently of each other. they lack being able to schedule work to 
> run in the future though.
> it turns out it isnt that hard to make taskqs use a priority queue internally 
> instead of a tailq. this allows you to specify that tasks get executed in the 
> future (or right now, like the current behaviour) in an explicit thread (or 
> pool of threads). it does mean a lot of changes to code thats using timeouts 
> now though.

I agree with you, but these thoughts are IMHO too far ahead.  Everything
is still serialized in our kernel.

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