> > I stumbled upon unexpected behavior on OpenBSD 6.0 (all patches)
> > which seems to allow running commands as the original user when
> > using su and doas interactively because the controlling terminal
> > is the same.
> > Is this behavior expected and if so, how do I run commands from
> > root as an untrusted user? It's not mentioned in the man page
> > that using su/doas as root might allow other users to run code as
> > root.
> Oh, interesting. The main design of doas is to escalate privileges, allowing
> users to run commands as root. But it certainly looks appealing to use it to
> drop privileges as well.
> It's easy to add an option to disassociate from the controlling tty. I'm not
> sure if this solves every problem, but it certainly blocks direct tty
> injection. (You also pick up some privileges from being in a session or
> process group, but those privileges are less powerful.)
> Certain commands require a controlling tty, but that seems to be mostly
> shells. Even vi and mg work ok.

People (and programs) are not used to operating without tty
associating; furthermore study of failure condition becomes really

I don't see a way that -D can be used correctly.  I suspect it will
not be used when it is needed; and it will be used when it causes more
harm than good.

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