
Here's an intial stab at a FAQ entry for vmm.

It covers two common setups:
  * a vmm guest with network access via the host's wired network
  * a vmm guest with network access via the host's wireless network

Please critique. Once we have the details right, I can run it past tj.

Some other thoughts that arose as a result of writing this:

 * Unless I am wrong there is no way to start a single VM which is
   defined in vm.conf. Up until now I have been doing `vmctl reload`,
   which is not quite the same. (there is an XXX in the diff about

 * Should `vmctl status` list all the VMs defined in vm.conf (and any
   manually started VMs), indicating whether they are powered up or

 * rebooting a guest does not work.

 * attaching to a console by name would be nice touch.


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   <li><a href="#YP_client"      >Setting up a YP client</a>
 <li><a href="#Patches"          >Keeping OpenBSD up to date</a>
+<li><a href="#VMM"              >Virtual machines with vmm(4)</a>
+  <li><a href="#VMM_simple"     >Ths simplest vmm(4) setup</a>
+  <li><a href="#VMM_wireless"   >Using vmm(4) when the host uses wireless 
@@ -895,5 +900,280 @@ At other times, will require recompiling
 patched library.
+<h2 id="VMM">Virtual machines with vmm(4)</a></h2>
+OpenBSD ships with a virtual machine monitor,
+<a href="http://man.openbsd.org/vmm";>vmm(4)</a>, which is capable of hosting
+OpenBSD guests.
+This section shows how to set up the common use-cases.
+<h3 id="VMM_simple">The simplest vmm(4) setup</h3>
+Suppose that we have a machine connected to the internet via a wired
+<tt>re0</tt> network interface, and that we wish to install an OpenBSD guest VM
+with internet access.
+Suppose that <tt>re0</tt> gets its network address via DHCP, and that we want
+the guest machine to use that same DHCP server.
+First we make a directory to hold the disk image and kernel:
+# mkdir -p /vms/my_vm
+# cd /vms/my_vm
+Next we make a disk image:
+vmctl create disk.img -s 4.5G
+The <tt>-s</tt> argument specifies the size of the disk image.
+Note that the image is lazily allocated.
+Next we need an OpenBSD kernel to boot.
+We are going to run the OpenBSD installer, so we need a <tt>bsd.rd</tt> (at
+least initially).
+For the sake of example, let's use the <tt>bsd.rd</tt> from the host:
+# cp /bsd.rd .
+Now we have to tell the host machine about the configuration of the VM.
+In this FAQ we will do this using a
+<a href="http://man.openbsd.org/vm.conf";<tt>vm.conf(5)</tt></a>, so as to bring
+the VM up at boot time (but note that the VM configuration could be specified
+when starting a VM manually with
+<a href="http://man.openbsd.org/vmctl";><tt>vmctl(8)</tt></a>).
+In <tt>/etc/vm.conf</tt>, put the following:
+switch "my_switch" {
+    interface bridge0
+    add re0
+vm "my_vm" {
+    memory 512M
+    disk "/vms/my_vm/disk.img"
+    kernel "/vms/my_vm/bsd.rd"
+    interface tap { switch "my_switch" }
+This should be mostly self explanatory, but the switch configuration perhaps
+requires some more discussion.
+When the VM starts, a
+<a href="http://man.openbsd.org/tap";><tt>tap(4)</tt></a> network interface will
+be created.
+This interface corresponds to the
+<a href="http://man.openbsd.org/vio";><tt>vio(4)</tt></a> network interface
+inside the guest.
+By defining a "switch", and assigning it to our VM,
+<a href="http://man.openbsd.org/vmd";><tt>vmd(8)</tt></a> will later add the
+host-side <a href="http://man.openbsd.org/tap";><tt>tap(4)</tt></a> interface to
+an (automatically created)
+<a href="http://man.openbsd.org/bridge";><tt>bridge(4)</tt></a> interface.
+By specifying <tt>add re0</tt> in the switch definition, we also add the host's
+wired interface into the bridge, thus granting internet access to the guest.
+Now let's bring the guest up:
+# rcctl enable vmd # start VMs at boot
+# rcctl start vmd
+If all went to plan,
+<a href="http://man.openbsd.org/rcctl";><tt>rcctl(8)</tt></a> should tell us the
+VM is up:
+   ID   PID VCPUS    MAXMEM    CURMEM              TTY NAME
+    1 73539     1     512MB      91MB       /dev/ttyp7 my_vm
+If the guest is not listed, look in <tt>/var/log/daemon</tt> for clues as to
+what went wrong.
+Assuming all is well, we can now connect to the guest's console using the VM's
+# vmctl console 1
+Connected to /dev/ttyp7 (speed 9600)
+Hit enter to see the next line of console output:
+(i)nstall, (u)pgrade, (a)utoinstall or (s)hell?
+It's the installer!
+We can now install the guest (the installation procedure is detailed in the
+<a href="faq4.html">installation guide</a>).
+When asked for network settings, we can specify to use DHCP, and the
+host-network's DHCP server will answer.
+Once installation is complete, we can halt the guest, and swap the ramdisk
+kernel for a normal kernel:
+# halt -p
+syncing disks... done
+When the guest is down, hit enter and you are back at the host's shell:
+# cp /bsd .
+# vi /etc/vm.conf # update kernel setting to: kernel "/vms/my_vm/bsd"
+Finally, we can restart the VM and it should boot multi-user.
+Note that the guest's ID will have changed.
+# vmctl reload # XXX better way? How to start a single VM defined in vm.conf?
+# vmctl status
+   ID   PID VCPUS    MAXMEM    CURMEM              TTY NAME
+    2 73539     1     512MB      91MB       /dev/ttyp7 my_vm
+# vmctl console 2
+Hit enter:
+OpenBSD/amd64 (foo.bar) (tty00)
+<h3 id="VMM_wireless">Using vmm(4) when the host uses wireless networking</h3>
+Unfortunately, the setup described in the previous section would not have
+worked if the host's wired <tt>re0</tt> interface had been a wireless 
+Due to a limitation of the ieee802.11 standard, wireless interfaces can not
+participate in network bridges.
+To work around this, we can give the guest VM its own network and use network
+address translation (NAT) to the host's network, but the upshot is we can no
+longer use the host network's DHCP server.
+We would need to either use static addresses, or our own DHCP server.
+Here we demonstrate the latter option.
+Suppose that we have a host machine with internet access via a wireless
+<tt>iwn0</tt> interface on the <tt></tt> network, and that we
+want to install an OpenBSD guest which will get an IP address via our own DHCP
+server on the <tt></tt> network.
+The guest will access the internet via a NAT between the two networks and
+let's assume we are using the same kernel and disk image paths as before.
+Although we could run the DHCP server directly on the VM's
+<a href="http://man.openbsd.org/tap";><tt>tap(4)</tt></a>
+interface, this is awkward, as the interface will come and go as the guest VM
+comes up and down.
+Instead, we can use an always-existing
+<a href="http://man.openbsd.org/vether";<tt>vether(4)</tt></a> interface and
+serve up DHCP there, later ensuring that this interface gets bridged to the
+VM's <a href="http://man.openbsd.org/tap";</a><tt>tap(4)</tt></a> interface.
+Let's make a <tt>vether0</tt> interface:
+# echo "inet" > /etc/hostname.vether0
+# sh /etc/netstart vether0
+Next, put the following in <tt>/etc/dhcpd.conf</tt>:
+subnet netmask {
+    option routers;
+    option domain-name-servers;
+    option domain-name "home";
+    range;
+And start the DHCP server, being careful to serve up DHCP on only
+# echo "dhcpd_flags=vether0" >> /etc/rc.conf.local
+# rcctl enable dhcpd
+# rcctl start dhcpd
+We need to add a <a href="http://man.openbsd.org/pf";<tt>pf(4)</tt></a> rule to
+do the NATting.
+Put in the correct place in <tt>/etc/pf.conf</tt>:
+match out on iwn0 inet from vether0:network to any nat-to (iwn0)
+And to finish off the NAT configuration:
+# pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf
+# echo "net.inet.ip.forwarding=1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
+# sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1
+net.inet.ip.forwarding: 0 -> 1
+Now the following
+<a href="http://man.openbsd.org/vm.conf";</a><tt>vm.conf(5)</tt></a>
+should work:
+switch "my_switch" {
+    add vether0
+    interface bridge0
+vm "my_vm" {
+    memory 512M
+    disk "/vms/my_vm/disk.img"
+    kernel "/vms/my_vm/bsd.rd"
+    interface tap { switch "my_switch" }
+Be aware that if you move the host machine between networks, (e.g. you take
+your laptop from your home to your work) you will have to update the DHCP
+server configuration to offer up the correct DNS server and router addresses.
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@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ that are not covered in the FAQ.
 <li><a href="faq10.html#SKey"      >Using S/Key</a>
 <li><a href="faq10.html#Dir"       >Directory services</a>
 <li><a href="faq10.html#Patches"   >Keeping OpenBSD up to date</a>
+<li><a href="faq10.html#VMM"       >Virtual machines with vmm(4)</a>
 <h3><a href="faq11.html">The X Window System</a></h3>

Best Regards
Edd Barrett


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