
On 11/25/16 10:53, Stefan Sperling wrote:
It is certainly possible. I have a laptop booting UEFI with softraid
crypto and keydisk. Granted, that was installed over a year ago and
only upgraded since, no fresh install.

How did you initialize the disk? The installer itself won't set up
softraid for you, so what did you *exactly* do in order to set it up?

that is true, the installer does not create the softraid for me. I did that myself before using the installer to install on the newly created disc. In order to prepare the softraid (Raid 1) i did the following steps:

cd /dev
sh MAKEDEV sd0
sh MAKEDEV sd1
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sd0c bs=1m
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sd1c bs=1m
fdisk -giy sd0
fdisk -giy sd1
disklabel -E sd0 (a, 64, 234441521, RAID, w, q)
disklabel -E sd1 (a, 64, 234441521, RAID, w, q)
bioctl -c 1 -l sd0a,sd1a softraid0 -> softraid0: RAID 1 volume attached as sd3
install (using sd3 as my disc)


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