Hey tech@
i wanted to upgrade to the latest snapshot (as i always do, every week) but since you added the HTTPS support to the installer i am unable to boot my system or the install.fs from a flash drive.

I get to the MBR and then into the PBR but after probing all discs the system restarts instantly. No debug prompt or something else. I tryed it with the latest 3 install.fs or so. But i am unable to boot at all.

This only happens in MBR mode, i am able to boot in UEFI mode from the install.fs.

I also tryed a 4 weeks old install.fs and in there it works fine. So its not a hardware issue.

This started to happend around the same time you added HTTPS support to the installer.

I am on AMD64. I cannot provide a dmesg of that machine because i am unable to boot it at all.

There is someone else on Reddit having the exact same problem.
Thanks and greetings

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