For some reason I find myself quite often in the situation that I want
to C-x b to a different buffer but on entering the buffer name I
decide against it and C-g abort it.

mg(1) then switches me to *scratch*. IMO that is the least useful
thing mg(1) can do. This brings it in line with what emacs does and
keeps the current buffer.


diff --git buffer.c buffer.c
index ca1f30177f1..a789db6f0e3 100644
--- buffer.c
+++ buffer.c
@@ -89,6 +89,9 @@ usebuffer(int f, int n)
                bufp = eread("Switch to buffer: (default %s) ", bufn, NBUFN,
                    EFNUL | EFNEW | EFBUF, curbp->b_altb->b_bname);
+       if (bufp == NULL)
+               return FALSE;
        return (usebufname(bufp));

I'm not entirely sure you are real.

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