I have an OpenBSD httpd(8) web server hosting security/clamav main.cvd and
daily.cvd files.  Upon upgrading to 6.1, freshclam can no longer
successfully fetch the cvd files.

Freshclam does a request for the first 512 bytes of the files to check the
dates in their header.  Then pulls the rest of the file if needed.  It
looks like it pulls the *whole* file again.  It doesn't pick up where it
left off.

With httpd from 6.0, fully patched, this was working fine.  Whith 6.1,
freshclam would request the 512 chunk, then timeout with "nonblock_recv:
recv timing out (30 secs)".

Knowing there were a couple of changes to ranges in httpd, I started
rolling things back.  I took out the pipelining fix:

Which didn't help.  Then I also took out the range rewrite:

And bingo.  Freshclam happily pulled it's now much out of date daily
database. :)

I don't know if freshclam is doing something wacky here or if it's httpd. 
It does return the requested byte range, and I was able to pull a range
with curl as well.  I don't know another test case for this off hand.


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