
how _exactly_ does a guest domain connect to a virtual disk?

I am asking this because I installed 6.1 onto my system which had
been running 6.0. However, I took the opportunity to reformat and partition
the hard disks. I reinstalled the same virtual disks in the same logical
etc, but on a different physical disk in some cases.
but the domains wont boot. There is a message
"WARNING: /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@0: Communication
error with Virtual Disk Server using Port 0. Retrying".
which repeats continually. I can not kill it with Ctrl-C, or any other
means I am aware of.

I have previously moved, and even replaced the virtual disks, but as far as
I know,
always on the same physical disk. (Not certain of this though, and I think
some of
the domains in the new setup are on the same disk as before).

I am not aware of any documentation explaining how the name supplied to the
ldom config file is used to access the actual physical disk - at what stage
is the file name and path converted to an inode? and in what domain? eg at
"compile time" or "run time"? Are there any rules about permissions on the
virtual disks?

In practice, these are things a system administrator needs to know, as most
systems will need disk space to grow eventually. There is also the issue of
backup and restore:  the obvious way is to connect a tape drive - which
means connect it to the primary domain - and save vdisks to tape. How can I
be sure the restored vdisks will work? (I assume this requires the guest
domain to be properly shut down before the backup stops, and not just
"ldomctl stop <domain>" It would be really nice if the tape backup script
could send the shutdown command using something like "ldomctl exec <domain>

I have no way of knowing what is possible, since I am not aware of any
Sun/Oracle documentation  on any part of this stuff, and I doubt I have the
skills to do it either. But Oracle do claim to support Open Source - and
there is not much else than OpenBSD in the Open Source world supporting



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