Theo Buehler <> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 10:31:51AM +0100, Larry Hynes wrote:
> > Hi
> > 
> > $ env | grep LESS
> > LESS="-i -M -R -g -c"
> > 
> > $ unset LESS
> > $ unset LESSCHARSET
> > $ unset LESSHISTFILE
> > 
> > $ LESS="-g"
> > $ echo 'foo\nbar\nfoo\nbar\nfoo\nbar' | less
> > 
> > While in less, '/' to search, then '^N', or '!', to search for lines
> > which do NOT match the pattern, entering foo<CR> results in a seg
> > fault.
> > 
> > This is on amd64. 
> Thanks for the report. Of course you want 'export LESS="-g"' here,
> otherwise less(1) won't use the -g flag which is crucial for this crash.

Ah. I've set 'allexport', so missed that; sorry.

> I don't have a fix, but maybe this helps a bit:

Anton's patches to pattern.c and search.c are working here so far.

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