I noticed, when applying multiple patches, I would eventually be told I
was out of space on /.  There was about 60M free which is plenty for a
kernel and a copy.  Rerunning syspatch would allow it to continue for a
another handful of patches.

Mucking about in checkfs(), it seems that the value of the space needed
for a partition is not cleared and accumulates for each patch.  Afer a few
kernel patches, the number grows 10M at a time and I'd eventually be told
I didn't have enough space.

I honestly have no idea how the magic works that _d can be the disk device
name in the for loop (line 99) and then be the space required in $((_d))
(line 103) so I don't know how to fix this.  However, if at the top of
checkfs you set _d to "sda0" and echo $((_d)), you'll see the old value is
still there.

echo "magic = $((_d))"

Below is my debugging output.  You can see "magic" has a value when output
at the top of checkfs and _sz keeps accumulating.  I do an ls and a df
when it errors out.

Sorry it's a mishmash of my debugging instead of a patch...  Hopefully
it's obvious to someone who knows ksh well enough.


Get/Verify syspatch61-001_dhcpd.tgz 100%
|********************************************************| 71730      
Installing patch 001_dhcpd
init: d = , parens d = 0, _df = , sz =
magic = 0
dev list =  sd0f sd0f
d = sd0f, parens d = 176846
d = sd0f, df = 539134, sz = 172
Get/Verify syspatch61-002_vmmfpu.tgz 100%
|*******************************************************|  9377 KB   
Installing patch 002_vmmfpu
init: d = , parens d = 0, _df = , sz =
magic = 0
dev list =  sd0a sd0a sd0f sd0f sd0f sd0f sd0f sd0f
d = sd0a, parens d = 21503878
d = sd0a, df = 69752, sz = 20999
d = sd0f, parens d = 236338
d = sd0f, df = 539134, sz = 230
Get/Verify syspatch61-003_libress... 100%
|*******************************************************| 11391 KB   
Installing patch 003_libressl
s = -s /^bsd.mp$//
init: d = , parens d = 0, _df = , sz =
magic = 21503878
dev list =  sd0a sd0a sd0f sd0f sd0f sd0f sd0f sd0f sd0f
d = sd0a, parens d = 23928486
d = sd0a, df = 59288, sz = 23367
d = sd0f, parens d = 35585944
d = sd0f, df = 539132, sz = 34751
Get/Verify syspatch61-004_softrai... 100%
|*******************************************************|  9356 KB   
Installing patch 004_softraid_concat
init: d = , parens d = 0, _df = , sz =
magic = 23928486
dev list =  sd0a
d = sd0a, parens d = 34612636
d = sd0a, df = 59288, sz = 33801
Get/Verify syspatch61-005_pf_src_... 100%
|*******************************************************|  9355 KB   
Installing patch 005_pf_src_tracking
init: d = , parens d = 0, _df = , sz =
magic = 34612636
dev list =  sd0a
d = sd0a, parens d = 45296786
d = sd0a, df = 59288, sz = 44235
Get/Verify syspatch61-006_libssl.tgz 100%
|*******************************************************|  2276 KB   
Installing patch 006_libssl
init: d = , parens d = 0, _df = , sz =
magic = 45296786
dev list =  sd0f sd0f sd0f
d = sd0f, parens d = 42837381
d = sd0f, df = 539132, sz = 41833
Get/Verify syspatch61-007_freetyp... 100%
|*******************************************************|   732 KB   
Installing patch 007_freetype
init: d = , parens d = 0, _df = , sz =
magic = 45296786
dev list =  sd0g sd0g
d = sd0g, parens d = 1696747
d = sd0g, df = 336564, sz = 1656
Get/Verify syspatch61-008_exec_su... 100%
|*******************************************************|  9356 KB   
Installing patch 008_exec_subr
init: d = , parens d = 0, _df = , sz =
magic = 45296786
dev list =  sd0a
d = sd0a, parens d = 55980936
d = sd0a, df = 59288, sz = 54668
Get/Verify syspatch61-009_icmp_op... 100%
|*******************************************************|  9356 KB   
Installing patch 009_icmp_opts
init: d = , parens d = 0, _df = , sz =
magic = 55980936
dev list =  sd0a
d = sd0a, parens d = 66665086
d = sd0a, df = 59288, sz = 65102
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/sd0a      129M   64.6M   57.9M    53%    /
/dev/sd0i      3.7G   62.0K    3.5G     0%    /home
/dev/sd0d      198M   19.4M    168M    10%    /tmp
/dev/sd0f      935M    362M    527M    41%    /usr
/dev/sd0g      532M    177M    329M    35%    /usr/X11R6
/dev/sd0h      2.1G   38.3M    1.9G     2%    /usr/local
/dev/sd0e      209M   39.8M    159M    20%    /var
/dev/sd1a     19.7G    2.0K   18.7G     0%    /var/postgresql
total 81648
drwxr-xr-x  14 root      wheel      512B Aug  3 13:20 .
drwxr-xr-x  14 root      wheel      512B Aug  3 13:20 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 root      wheel      578B Apr  1 19:38 .cshrc
-rw-r--r--   1 root      wheel      468B Apr  1 19:38 .profile
drwxr-xr-x   2 root      wheel      512B Apr  1 19:38 altroot
drwxr-xr-x   2 root      wheel      1.0K Apr  1 19:38 bin
-rw-r--r--   1 root      wheel     84.6K May 10 11:05 boot
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root      wheel     10.2M May 18 20:16 bsd
-rw-r--r--   1 root      wheel      9.0M May 10 11:00 bsd.rd
-rw-r--r--   1 root      wheel     10.2M May 10 10:59 bsd.sp
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root      wheel     10.3M May 10 11:00 bsd.syspatch61
drwxr-xr-x   3 root      wheel     19.0K Aug  2 22:34 dev
drwxr-xr-x  22 root      wheel      1.5K Aug  2 22:35 etc
drwxr-xr-x   3 root      wheel      512B May 10 11:05 home
drwxr-xr-x   2 root      wheel      512B Apr  1 19:38 mnt
drwx------   3 root      wheel      512B May 10 11:05 root
drwxr-xr-x   2 root      bin        1.5K Aug  3 13:20 sbin
lrwxrwx---   1 root      wheel       11B Apr  1 19:38 sys -> usr/src/sys
drwxrwxrwt   6 root      wheel      512B Aug  3 13:19 tmp
drwxr-xr-x  13 root      wheel      512B Apr  1 20:05 usr
drwxr-xr-x   2 ec2-user  ec2-user   512B Aug  2 20:50 vagrant
drwxr-xr-x  24 root      wheel      512B Aug  2 22:34 var
No space left on sd0a, aborting

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