On 2017/09/13 14:39, sven falempin wrote:
> Because sometimes you run not so good device,
> and you boot often.
> or you do not want to write on boot.
> ( attached file got the tabulation to apply )

Please check -current before proposing diffs.

revision 1.216
date: 2017/05/30 12:04:26;  author: tb;  state: Exp;  lines: +2 -1;  commitid: 
Introduce a scary rc.conf(8) knob library_aslr=(YES|NO) to turn off the
reordering of libraries by rc(8). This way machines with very slow disk I/O
have a chance of booting within reasonable time now that libcrypto is also

Discussed with various;
input & ok from deraadt ajacoutot

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