
I think I found a bug/inconsistency/regression in ctan(3) introduced
somewhere after 6.1 release. Originally observed in math/R
(https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports&m=150728711530471&w=2) the behavior can be
reproduced with following C program:

#include <complex.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

main(int argc, char *argv[])
        // http://en.cppreference.com/w/c/numeric/complex/ctan
        double complex z = ctan(1);  // behaves like real tangent along the 
real line
        printf("tan(1+0i) = %f%+fi ( tan(1)=%f)\n", creal(z), cimag(z), tan(1));

        // http://en.cppreference.com/w/c/numeric/complex/ctan
        double complex z2 = ctan(I); // behaves like tanh along the imaginary 
        printf("tan(0+1i) = %f%+fi (tanh(1)=%f)\n", creal(z2), cimag(z2), 

        double complex z3 = ctan(1+1000I);
        printf("tan(1+1000i) = %f%+fi\n", creal(z3), cimag(z3));

cc ctan.c -lm

The correct solution for the z3 example is "0+1i".

On a -current amd64 system (both clang and gcc give identical results):

$ ./a.out
tan(1+0i) = 1.557408+0.000000i ( tan(1)=1.557408)
tan(0+1i) = 0.000000+0.761594i (tanh(1)=0.761594)
tan(1+1000i) = -nan-nani

On 6.1 release amd64 with gcc 4.2.1:

$ ./a.out
tan(1+0i) = 1.557408+0.000000i ( tan(1)=1.557408)
tan(0+1i) = 0.000000+0.761594i (tanh(1)=0.761594)
tan(1+1000i) = 0.000000-nani

This result seems to be "sufficiently different from wrong" that R is somehow
able to return the correct solution on 6.1 release:

R> (z <- tan(1+1000i))
[1] 0+1i

On a Debian 9.1 Linux with gcc 6.3.0:

$ ./a.out
tan(1+0i) = 1.557408+0.000000i ( tan(1)=1.557408)
tan(0+1i) = 0.000000+0.761594i (tanh(1)=0.761594)
tan(1+1000i) = 0.000000+1.000000i

Ideas, pointers and solutions are highly appreciated.

Best regards,

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