On Sat, February 3, 2018 4:28 pm, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
>> a good way to do it without adding verbiage would be to not document it!
>> if it really is a crappy quirk, let's just leave it out then.
> I actually like that idea, it makes the long list of EX COMMANDS
> a bit simpler, making the relevant stuff easier to find.
> Of course, we still have to say how to get out of split screen
> mode when you stumble into it unintentionally - which esily
> happens because the colon requires the shift key on many keyboards,
> so accidentally hitting ":N" instead of ":n" is not uncommon.
> If people like the idea, i'll also fix up :exusage (unless people
> want :exusage deleted, which i would of course prefer).
> OK?
>   Ingo

Well this is kind of a bummer.  I agree the documentation is inconsistent
and confusing, but once I got past reading the man page, I was so excited
to discover that I could get split screens in base vi without having to
install vim with its extra baggage.  I'm sad that a feature I use
constantly will now become undocumented (if not removed) and hidden from
other's who might find it valuable.

Not to discourage your work.  I'm not the one maintaining vi, and I can go
crawling back to ports for nvi if I need to.


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