Hi Bob

I know you don’t want suggestions involving holding your own Bitcoin wallet 
but I’m going to suggest this anyway because:

1. I don’t think any other processors exist that will do what you want, and
   even if they do you’ll run into similar problems as you had with BitPay.

2. Selling Bitcoin is pretty easy in Canada if you don’t want to hold it. Just
   pop over to the nearest Bitcoin ATM and cash it out to CA$. You could
   also probably easily exchange using online exchanges and get the CA$
   directly into your bank account, but of course you have to again submit
   lots of documentation and be subject to having your account suspended
   at any time.

I had the same trouble with BitPay a while back so I wrote the 
Business::Bitcoin perl module to help me accept Bitcoin payments directly.


Of course, I did forego more $$ than I care to think about because I used
BitPay for years and kept auto-converting Bitcoin to $, thus missing out
on profiting from soaring Bitcoin prices. 

But I can totally understand why you’d still rather not hold on to Bitcoin 

Business::Bitcoin makes it easy to securely accept Bitcoin on your site. 
I also wrote a very simple shopping cart script based on it, which I can share 
with you if you like. I’ll post it to CPAN too at some point.

You can see the shopping cart script in action at http://noodlepi.com. (Yes,
running on OpenBSD and httpd ;-) I still need to add QR code image 
generation for the Bitcoin payment address, but that’s pretty easy.


> On Feb 16, 2018, at 6:53 AM, Bob Beck <b...@obtuse.com> wrote:
> So, as some of you may know, the OpenBSD Foundation has accepted BitCoin
> donations
> for some time via BitPay.com
> BitPay was convenient for us since they will sell the BTC donations
> immediately, and
> convert to Canadian Dollars.  We then periodically get bank transfers of
> the balance,
> and this works great.
> Obviously, for money laundering rules, we do need to provide them with some
> documentation to prove the foundation's legitimacy, which we have
> repatedly, and
> this used to be not a problem.
> Lately they seem to have decided in spite of being in posession of
> 1) A copy of two of our personal passports
> 2) A copy of the Canadian Federal Incorporation documents for a not for
> profit
> 3) A copy of the Electric Bill for the address of record
> 4) A copy of an invoice sent to the foundation at the address of record
> 5) A copy of a bank statement from the foundation
> That they seem to be suspending our access to BitPay - this in spite of this
> being the only documents they request from us and then they seem to say
> they won't work - because apparently they don't understand Canada our
> countries outside of the USA.
> So in short, bitPay has always been a bit of a pain for us, but now seems
> to be
> unable to be used by us.
> So, what I'm looking for is opinions on an online processor.  Yes I am
> aware they
> charge fees, I am looking for convenience, basically, the ability to put a
> button
> on the foundation donation page that links to them. which will take a
> donation
> in BTC, convert it for us, and get it to us at a Canadian bank.  What are
> all you people using?
> For a number of reasons, we do *not* want to hold a bitCoin wallet
> ourselves, and
> be in the business of selling bitcoins, so please don't suggest this, and
> No, we can't
> have a bank account outside of Canada, so please don't suggest that either
> :)

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