On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 08:54:51AM +0200, Florian Obser wrote:
| During g2k18 I commited rad(8).
| The latest amd64 and i386 snapshots should contain it with enough
| features to replace rtadvd(8). If you are using rtadvd(8) I'd
| appreciate if you could switch to rad(8) and report back if any
| features are missing.
| The plan is to unhook rtadvd(8) from the build sooner rather than
| later and to ship 6.4 with rad(8) only.
| If you are running rtadvd(8) with out any configuration and only have
| rtadvd_flags=em1 the /etc/rad.conf file will be
| ---8<---
| interface em0
| ---8<---
| Once that is inplace disable rtadvd and enable rad:
| # rcctl stop rtadvd
| # rcctl disable rtadvd
| # rcctl enable rad
| # rcctl start rad
| see man rad.conf for documentation on the config file format. Good
| news: it's no longer termcap based!

Works well.  Love the configuration format, although I never did have
any special or interesting config for rtadvd:

[root@tuna] # grep -e rad -e rtadvd /etc/rc.conf.local 
/var/backups/etc_rc.conf.local.current:rtadvd_flags="em1 em2 em3"
[root@tuna] # cat /etc/rad.conf
interface em1
interface em2
interface em3

Seems to work as advertised just fine.  I do see the logging bits
Sebastien already mentioned, but that will disappear with the next
snapshot upgrade as I see you've already committed some fixes.

Thanks for working on this Florian .. it's pretty rad!




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