On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 10:22:15AM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2018/07/24 23:07, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> > My workstation is freezing up a lot again (usually in 30-60ish second
> > bursts with no or very slow response to mouse or keyboard or screen
> > updates).
> > 
> > I have a status bar (xstatbar) that displays a graph of the last minute
> > or so's cpu% split off into user/nice/system/spin/interrupt/idle. It
> > skips a lot of updates when the machine freezes but it's obvious that
> > it's mostly in spin.
> > 
> > It seems particularly likely to occur when opening browser tabs.
> > 
> > Is there anything sane that I can do (ahead of time, as I can't type
> > when it's in that state) that will give clues about what's going on?
> I had a think about what might have changed when it started freezing
> again and remembered that I had switched X back to modesetting at a time
> which would roughly correlate with this (I had been using intel(4) to
> cope with vncviewer problems, and switched back after jcs enabled SHM
> in vncviewer).
> I've moved back to intel(4) now to see if this removes/reduces the
> problem. Haven't run into one since, but it's still a bit early to say
> if it's actually helped.
> (intel does remove one other annoyance, for some inexplicable reason
> context menus like the right-click menu in browsers often show up on the
> wrong monitor with modesetting..).
I see the exact same issue as you do.
I'll try with s/modesetting/intel and see if it improves things.


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