On Sun, Jul 29, 2018 at 08:43:22AM +0200, Matthieu Herrb wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 29, 2018 at 07:28:19AM +0200, Sebastien Marie wrote:
> > 
> > but to decide, we should know *what* triggered this behaviour.
> Hi,
> After digging a bit, there is at least the 'Print All Immediatly'
> function from button 1 menu that will trigger the creation of a file
> and violate  the pledge.
> see xtermPrintImmediately() in print.c:789. The fopen() itself appears
> in charToPrinter() on line 498 of the same file.

Hi Matthieu and Lauri,

I didn't expected someone else did the homework of Leonid so quickly :)
but thanks for digging in this problem.

> Should this feature be disabled in xterm ?

As xterm has an external upstream, just disabling the feature could be
annoying for future merges. And such feature could be legitimate too. I
would like to hear what others think about it.

The problem is this command doesn't have switch we could use to decide
if we add "cpath" in pledge(2) or not ; as we have already done for
exec-formated or exec-selectable commands and "exec" promise.

I wonder if unveil(2) could help here: unveiling for "cpath" only the
directory where file creation could occurs ? But I need to check some
points on unveil(2) first...

Sebastien Marie

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