On Fri, 05 Oct 2018 00:37:33 +0200, Alexandr Nedvedicky wrote:

> because earlier line at 5279 grants the variable c holds backslash,
> therefore it can't contain space or tab. The simple change is tempting,
> but let's check the history first. That particular line has been
> introduced 10+ years ago with commit message as follows:
>     in the lex... even inside quotes, a \ followed by space or tab should
>     expand to space or tab, and a \ followed by newline should be ignored
>     (as a line continuation).  compatible with the needs of hoststated
>     (which has the most strict quoted string requirements), and ifstated
>     (where one commonly does line continuations in strings).
> Comment above makes me thinking the intended change looks as follows:
>     5282                 if (next == quotec || next == ' ' || next == '\t')

I agree with your analysis.  Thank you for taking the time to
determine the author's intent instead of blindly trusting the static

 - todd

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