On 11/11/18(Sun) 13:10, Ben Pye wrote:
> Hey all,
> In my quest for better OpenBSD support on my Chromebook 13 I have found
> that sdmmc(4)'s current strategy for suspend/resume only really works
> for removable storage. Upon a suspend it marks the device as dying, and
> upon resume will detach the card and re-scan the bus. This makes sense
> for removable SD cards as they may be removed whilst the device is
> asleep, however for non-removable eMMC we can make the assumption that
> the device will not be removed during sleep.
> By assuming the device stays present over a sleep we can avoid the
> detach and re-scan behaviour that sdmmc(4) currently uses. This is
> important if you root storage device is an eMMC device /and/ you are
> using softraid(4) as softraid(4) will not handle the detach/attach.
> Despite this on my hardware at least suspend/resume works more reliably
> if we can avoid this detach behaviour too, on this device we would
> really have to detach before we enter sleep as the bus can break during
> suspend and then the detach/reattach fails after resume meaning that my
> sd0 device just disappears.
> Instead for non-removable devices upon sleep we can deselect the card
> but otherwise leave it configured. On resume we still perform a host
> reset in sdhc(4) and then we can re-do the device initialisation in
> sdmmc(4). During initialisation we use some of the values determined in
> the initial sdmmc(4) init as the goal is to put the device into the same
> state. We also hook up to the same sdmmc_function's etc so that the
> child devices (scsibus etc) do not have to do anything special on a
> resume. With this behaviour suspend/resume works reliably on my HP
> Chromebook 13 and softraid for encryption continues to work.
> There are a few unresolved questions however and that's why I'm posting
> this here now:
> 1. How do we know if a device is non-removable, I don't think an MMC
> device indicates this, maybe we have to determine this by the
> controller?

If you find a way to know that would be interesting.  However that
doesn't mean we want to go this road.

I'd rephrase the question differently.  How do we know if a device,
attached to a removable bus, has been removed or swapped while the
machine was suspended?

Do you know how other OSes handle this case?  What kind of changes
would be required to handle this in OpenBSD?  At which layer?  USB
currently follows the same logic, so it could be solved there as
well with the same stone.

> 2. There are some error cases in sdmmc_mem_scan that are unhandled. They
> shouldn't ever be hit, if they were it would indicate that something to
> do with our non-removable card has changed over a suspend/resume cycle.

What should happen if such error occurs?

> 3. I appear to hit an issue with some commands failing after a suspend
> if I don't add a small delay to sdhc_wait_intr_cold, I haven't yet been
> able to work out why this is. Specifically, the second time we read
> EXT_CSD in sdmmc_mem_mmc_init fails.

That would be nice to investigate.  Such workarounds are a good start,
but not a nice solution.

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