Well, the manual shall tell the truth, whatever it is:

    Messages are formed by a header followed by a small number of
    sockaddr structures of variable length. The size of every
    sockaddr structure can be computed by rounding the value of the
    `sa_len' field of the current structure up to sizeof(long)

I provided a reference to the code in question in my original message:

It took me some time to figure out that, apparently, I am looking at
the combined effect of in_socktrim() (see src/sys/netinet/in.c) and
ROUNDUP() (see src/sys/net/rtsock.c) applied to the netmask of
0xff000000 that was stored as sockaddr_in'.

The following is a more precise description of its location:

See https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/src/sys/net/rtsock.c?annotate=1.285

The macro ROUNDUP is defined on lines 1347-1348
It is also used in the definition of the macro ADVANCE on line 1349
The first direct use of ROUNDUP that I quoted is on line 1431.
The second is on line 1476.


On 4/26/19 6:14 PM, Claudio Jeker wrote:
On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 01:55:52PM +0300, Vadim Penzin wrote:

1. The manual of route(4) explains the structure of its messages thus:

     `Messages are formed by a header followed by a small number of
     sockaddr structures (which are variable length), interpreted by
     position, and delimited by the length entry in the sockaddr.'

(That phrase is quite unfortunate in itself: `sa_len' is supposed to
/determine/ the length of a structure.  To me, the word `delimited'
implies the presence of a memory object between two adjacent
structures, which certainly was not the intent of the author.)

Yes this is not quite right since the lenght is rounded to the next long
word to ensure that structures are properly aligned on strict align
Armed with that knowledge, I wrote a parser the other day.  I very
much enjoyed OpenBSD until my program fatally stumbled on a peculiar
structure that does not fit the above description:

     05 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00

(The value of `sa_len' of that `sockaddr' is nothing that I am
familiar with, the address family is `AF_UNSPEC', and the most
disturbing: `sa_len' does not match the physical size of this
structure. These eight bytes were immediately followed by a perfectly
valid `sockaddr_in'.)

This is a probably a netmask which are special in many senses from the old
time of the radix routing tree. For AF_UNSPEC it defines how many bytes
are used to store the netmask. It is wierd I agree.
It took me some time to figure out that, apparently, I am looking at
the combined effect of in_socktrim() (see src/sys/netinet/in.c) and
ROUNDUP() (see src/sys/net/rtsock.c) applied to the netmask of
0xff000000 that was stored as sockaddr_in'.

I believe that manuals should be more merciful.  In the absence of
proper documentation, the part of my program that handles this case looks
like a mysterious ritual; it should not be that way.
Please send suggestions to better documentation to this list.
route(4) is not perfect for sure and could use some work.
2. The definition of ROUNDUP() somewhat surprised me: it silently handles
zero. The macro is local to the compilation unit; it is used
this way:

         if (rtinfo == NULL || (sa = rtinfo->rti_info[i]) == NULL)
        rtinfo->rti_addrs |= (1 << i);
        dlen = ROUNDUP(sa->sa_len);

and this way:

        if ((sa = rtinfo->rti_info[i]) == NULL)
        rtinfo->rti_addrs |= (1 << i);
        dlen = ROUNDUP(sa->sa_len);

What code are you talking about?
(In the second case, the programmer does not check `rtinfo' for being
NULL.  I only hope that there exists a good explanation to that.)

Since `sa_len' describes the size of a `sockaddr' (or one of its
derivatives) /including/ `sa_len' (maybe I am wrong, but this is my
interpretation of the comment `total length' that appears near the
definition of `struct sockaddr' in <sys/socket.h>), `sa_len' just
cannot be zero.

Yes, it can not be zero.
The current definition of ROUNDUP() might hide a bug.  In addition, on
some machines, it disturbs the pipeline of the CPU by introducing a
branch (for no real reason, as it seems, while I might be
nitpicking). At very least, it looks confusing.

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