On 01.05., Marcus MERIGHI wrote:
> Hello,
> o...@demirmen.com (Okan Demirmen), 2019.04.29 (Mon) 16:19 (CEST):
> > On Fri 2019.04.26 at 07:15 +0200, Bruno Fl?ckiger wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > The ssh menu of cwm(1) doesn't filter duplicated hostnames when reading
> > > them from ~/.ssh/known_hosts. This patch makes sure each hostname is
> > > only displayed once to the menu.
> >
> > Sure, maybe; but why again do we even have this inside a window manager?
> > Really, the known_hosts parsing is incomplete at best; either the entire
> > parsing code needs to be lifted from ssh or this (mis)feature should be
> > removed from cwm. I prefer the latter.
> FWIW, i use "M-period" a lot... are there easy alternatives?
> Marcus

I use dmenu[1] from suckless.org as a replacement. The following script
reads the host names from ~/.ssh/known_hosts, feeds them to dmenu and
executes ssh to the host I choose in an xterm:


expr="s/^@[a-z-]* //;s/[, ].*//;s/\[//;s/\]//"
host=$(cat $file | sed "$expr" | sort | uniq | dmenu)
[[ -n "$host" ]] && xterm -T "[ssh] $host" -e ssh $host

I store the script in ~/bin/sshmenu.sh and add the following line to my

bind-key M-period bin/sshmenu.sh

Works like a charm for me.


[1] https://suckless.org/dmenu/

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