On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 6:46 AM Otto Moerbeek <o...@drijf.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been working on a nice feature that improves startup behaviour of
> ntpd.
> Summary: make sure you have at least one constraint source configured
> and use no options. ntpd will set the clock if needed, even if you
> machines has no battery backed up clock and is running a DNSSEC
> validating resolver.
> Previoulsy, using constraints or a DNSSEC validating resolver would
> break initial time setting, since doing https certificate and DNSSEC
> validation requires a proper clock. An we do not have that in above
> circumstances.
> In addition to previous work from jsing@ regarding https certificate
> validation my commits enable time bootstrapping in these adverse
> conditions.
> You want to stop using -s if you did, since the new method is more
> robust and more secure. (-s trusts any ntp reply, while the new
> automatic mode only does so if several ntp replies were validated).
> The last commit was a few hours ago, upcoming snaps should have all
> the nice things.
>         -Otto
It works here (complied from source).
Device go back to right time after Destroying date at boot and only
accepting DNSSEC .

snaps# date
Thu Jun 20 15:52:57 CEST 2019
snaps# uptime
 3:52PM  up 2 mins, 1 user, load averages: 0.07, 0.04, 0.01
snaps# head /etc/rc
#       $OpenBSD: rc,v 1.537 2019/05/10 13:29:21 guenther Exp $
# System startup script run by init on autoboot or after single-user.
# Output and error are redirected to console by init, and the console is the
# controlling terminal.
date 201806041030.00
# Turn off Strict Bourne shell.


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