On Mon, Dec 09, 2019 at 07:31:11PM +0100, Denis Fondras wrote:
> Give some love to ospf6d.
> The goal is to have ospf6d looks like ospfd, this could be useful to have
> changes made in one daemon from one go inside the other.
> I will do it step by step until I get to the point where "ospf6ctl reload"
> works.

I like this a lot!
> First step is to refactor kernel route message handling, no functionnal 
> change.

I tested your diff with the following configuration:

fib-priority 38
redistribute default
redistribute rtlabel toOSPF depend on carp0
area 0 {
        interface vether0 {
                metric 55
                depend on carp0
        interface iwm0 { passive }

Unfortunately redistribute does not work anymore.


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