On Sun, Apr 26, 2020 at 03:30:51PM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> Patrick Wildt <patr...@blueri.se> wrote:
> > I don't know userland very well, so I have a question.  In the middle of
> > 2019 there have been plenty of changes in regards to changing checks of
> > syscalls from < 0 to a more strict == -1, like this one in isakmpd:
> > 
> > ----------------------------
> > revision 1.26
> > date: 2019/06/28 13:32:44;  author: deraadt;  state: Exp;  lines: +2 -2;  
> > commitid: JJ6Ck4WTrgUiEjJp;
> > When system calls indicate an error they return -1, not some arbitrary
> > value < 0.  errno is only updated in this case.  Change all (most?)
> > callers of syscalls to follow this better, and let's see if this strictness
> > helps us in the future.
> > ----------------------------
> I have about 4000 more changes like that, but I'm stuck with trying to
> push it further forward.  For various reasons, some of which can be
> guessed from this thread.
> > getsockopt(), I think, is also a system call.  And the manpage indicates
> > that a failure is always -1, and not some arbitrary number:
> > 
> >      Upon successful completion, the value 0 is returned; otherwise the
> >      value -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to indicate 
> > the
> >      error.
> > 
> > What is the difference between the diff in this mail, and the changes
> > done in the middle of last year?
> The difference is this is direct checking of the syscalls.
> Versus checking at a higher layer of abstraction, or conversion of
> that result to something else.
> Say you have an interface which returns precisely 0 and -1 for two conditions.
> Well then it has a large set of out-of-range values which (a) won't occur
> but (b) if they occur, how do you handle them?  At which layer?  
> The range of numbers returned really express 3 conditions.  One which is
> impossible, yet if it happens, do you want to convert the impossible to
> success, or to failure?
> In the recently supplied diff, a return value of 50 at the system call
> layer, is returned into a library returning 0 (success).  Furthermore, the
> diff itself proposes treating the out-of-range impossible as a success,
> and accesses memory which is very probably unintialized.
> > getsockopt() isn't allowed to return
> > anything else but 0 and 1, right?  Though I guess the current check
> > (error != 0) is the one that also catches instances where getsockopt()
> > isn't behaving well, even though it shouldn't.  But then, with the -1
> > check, wouldn't we be catching more instances of syscalls misbehaving
> > if we checked for < -1?
> Correct.  I hope you have reached the same indecision point as me.
> I feel uncomfortable changing all checking-points to 3-way decision.
> And imagine what a modern compiler would do there...

The way you put it is obvious how stupid my diff was.  I did not
understand that it does not call the libc wrapper.  Evidently there are
still some things going on I do not understand.

Sorry for all the inconveniences caused.



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