On Tue, 12 May 2020 17:36:15 +0200
Ingo Schwarze <schwa...@usta.de> wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> thanks for doing all this work.  Note that i cannot provide feedback
> on the code or concepts, and also note that when the code is ready,
> a developer can commit it even if there are still issues to sort out
> with the documentation.  We do value good documentation, but the exact
> point in time when it is polished matters little.

Thanks for the feedback, I certainly appreciate it.

> All the same, i looked through the wg(4) manual page and improved
> a few details.  Please apply the following patch to what you sent.
> In addition to my changes, this line must be fixed before commit:
>   .\" Copyright?
> Please just use the normal /usr/share/misc/license.template with
> the commenting method adjusted from C to roff(7) comments.  If you
> wrote all the manual page text from scratch, use your own name and
> year(s).  If it is a derivative work based on the work of others,
> retain the original Copyright and license and add your own name and
> date(s) if your changes are significant enough.

Yes, all me. Will add.

> I feel somewhat concerned that you recommend the openssl(1) command
> for production use.  As far as i understand, the LibreSSL developers
> consider openssl(1) as a low-quality program purely intended for
> testing purposes that should not be used for production.  But that
> does not need to be addressed now, it can be improved later.

This is news to me, but what we are using it for very simply is calling
arc4random_buf, and then base64 encoding. If this isn't appropriate,
then perhaps a dedicated utility, or ifconfig integration could work.

wg (from wireguard-tools) also fills this functionality, however
getting that vs a simple key generator in base would be more work.

I'm open to suggestions here.

> When providing exactly one example, it isn't ideal that that example
> doesn't actually do anything practically useful.  Again, that's not
> a critical problem and can be improved later.
> Theo is right that .Ek and .nr nS are slightly awkward in manual
> pages, but they are still somewhat widespread in particular in
> driver and kernel manuals, so they wouldn't be a serious problem.
> However, the whole section containing them is useless in the first
> place, so the issue just vanishes with no additional effort.
> Rationale for my changes:
>  * Add the missing $OpenBSD$ tag.
>  * New sentence, new line.
>  * Minor macro improvements.
>  * At a few places, purge phrases that say nothing.
>  * A few minor wording improvements.
>  * Delete the DIRECTIVES section: it contains no new information
>    and ifconfig(8) was already referenced prominently above.
>  * Use the standard section name DIAGNOSTICS.

Thank you again, they're all reasonable, I'll add them in.

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